What is an Informative Speech?

An informative speech provides information about a specific subject to an audience. The aim of an informative speech is to help your audience understand and to remember the information you are presenting.

This type of speech uses descriptions, demonstrations, vivid detail, and definitions to explain a subject, person, or place. An informative speech makes a complex topic easy to understand.

When Delivering a Speech, Practice Makes Perfect

Practice your speech

Practice your speech

Most people are a little nervous when they have to stand in front of a group and deliver a speech. Some people are really nervous. Practice won’t entirely get rid of nerves, but it will do a lot to make the process of delivering a speech less painful and scary.

Step 1.

Craft an excellent speech. (Or hire a speech writer to craft one for you)

Step 2.

Practice. Practice. Practice. Read your speech out loud. Change the words that cause you to stumble. Read your speech in front of a mirror. Practice looking up from the page. Sometimes, printing the speech with extra large font helps with this.

Step 3.

Deliver your speech to a friend or loved one. Ask for feedback. Repeat Step. 2.


Tip for Giving a Great Speech

Audience listening to a speech

Audience listening to a speech

One thing to remember that can make the chore of giving a speech less scary.

Some people are born knowing how to deliver a speech. For the rest of us, it’s a bit more of a challenge. Most people would rather scrub themselves with sandpaper and bathe in a vat of vinegar rather than speak in front of a group. But the time comes for almost everyone when they have to deliver a speech.

Remember: The Audience wants you to succeed

When you are up there at the podium it might feel that the audience is scrutinizing you to find every flaw. In most instances, that is not the case. The audience wants you to succeed. They want to be entertained or informed. Remember that no one wants to sit through an uncomfortable speech. If you make a mistake, just keep going. The audience will forgive you.